Saturday, March 1, 2014


THANK YOU to everyone who purchased shirts! Ordering is now closed. It has been absolutely amazing to see how many of you were touched by Dallin's story.  We love that his message will carry on through these shirts. Thank you, thank you!
 *Please allow 2 weeks from now for your order to be delivered.*  

1 comment:

  1. Dear Hess Family,

    I know ordering is closed, but if you have any leftovers, will you let me know? There are a few of us at Camp Hobe that would love to keep him with us while there this year. I didn't realize we could buy the shirts until today.

    I have to say, that young man has put a smile on my face more times than I can count. He has done more for the staff at camp than we could have ever done for him. I hope that you realize that your love, influence, and upbringing made a young man that focused on bringing others light, instead of his own ailments, even when you were not around. Thank you for bringing him into our lives.

    All my love,

    Nicole Bailey (Arts & Crafts Director)
